EPA & DHA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid & Docosahexaenic Acid)

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EPA AND DHA have a lots of benefits: Reduces inflammation, Improves mood, Lessens joint pain, Reduces harmful triglycerides, Increases HDL cholesterol, Speeds up the healing process, Benefits kidneys, Protects the skin, Manages inflammatory GI conditions, Reduces the chances of infection in the body, Reduces muscle fatigue, Alleviates migraine headaches Helpful in reducing the risk of certain cancers, etc.


(Asylum has sole patent and proprietary right for manufacturing EPA and DHA extract for 20 years)
Eicosapentaenoic Acid EPA thins blood and Improvises the Regulations of Cardiovascular System where as Docosahexaenic Acid DHA Influences the Regeneration of Brain Cells, Improves Brain Plasticity and has a Positive Impact on Neuro Transmitters.
However, when both are Taken Together, it Repairs Muscle and Nerves Damages, Improves Strength and Stamina. In short, It Restores Your Youth – Improved Memory, Flexibility, Vigour and Strength. Is Equally Beneficial to Man and Woman, Both. A Universal Source of HEALTHY LIFE!
Having Said So Much about EPA & DHA
Well, It is available from Natural Sources. The Most abundant source, so far, HAD been Fish. But What about Vegetarians? And also, Unfortunately, Our Fish Supply is becoming increasingly contaminated with Pollutants & Toxins like Mercury, PCBs, Dioxins, Heavy Metals and Radioactive Poisons
It’s evident that getting enough EPA & DHA in Pure & Uncontaminated Form had become a Challenge. This has been solved by none other than ASYLUM AYURVEDA. Taking all the Requirements in Consideration and Concentrating all their Experiences of Phyto-chemistry & Ayurvedic Expertise, They SUCCESSFULLY  Extracted High Quality & Ultra-Pure EPA & DHA from Scrotinum Algae, a Plant Source, which is not only easily ingestible to Humans but also has a Higher Bioavailability and Efficacy compared to any other EPA-DHA product in the market, JUST FOR YOU! A FOOD FOR YOUR BODY AND SOUL!!

The popular Omega 3 has two long chain fatty acids – EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). EPA AND DHA have the following benefits:

  • EPA & DHA एक ताकतवर  Anti-Infamatary उत्पाद हैं |
  • EPA & DHA हमारे शरीर के Arteries & Veins को सिकुंड़ने से रोकता है जिससे शरीर में रक्त प्रवाह सुचारू रूप से चलता है|
  • EPA & DHA  Colestral (LDL, VLDL, Triglycerides) को कम करता हैं और शरीर में इकठ्ठा नहीं होने देता हैं 
  • EPA & DHA Degenerative Neurone के Problems को ख़त्म करता हैं|
  • EPA & DHA मेंटल हेल्थ को (Bipola Disorder, Autism, Alzeimers) पर नियंत्रण व सुरक्षा प्रदान करता हैं |
  • EPA & DHA Asthama (बच्चों में) से नियंत्रित कर न्युमोनिया (Bacterial Infaction) में भी  कार्य करता हैं|

“In certain areas of our brain we have, more than 35% of all phospholipids (major component of the cell membranes) have DHA attached as their middle fatty acids. The other phospholipid with high concentration of DHA are in the eyes.” Therefore, DHA is highly beneficial for cognitive/brain health as well as vision health.
EPA is equally important for the development and maintenance of our mental health. Thousands of the research has been conducted on the benefits of this Omega 3 oil since it has been discovered (1950s). However, the science now is getting more up-to-date on the individual benefits of DHA and EPA. At better living we offer a wide selection of Omega 3 FROM ALGAE products including the by target."

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