DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acid)
DHA is linked to improved brain functioning and cognition, and also lowers the risk of brain diseases, lowers the risk of heart diseases, stroke and other cardiovascular disorders. DHA is beneficial in preventing and eventreating Alzheimer’s disease, and can help combat depression and other mental disorders. As well as the best natural anti-inflammatory activity. DHA is the best formula for the highest bioavailability, and vital for cognitive function. DHA promotes healthy immune function. And also support and prevent plethora of health risk.
DHA is a type
of essential fatty acid which helps in physical and mental
development. It is beneficial especially for neonates and infants.
It should be used after third month of pregnancy to seven
years age of a child, for extraordinary development of the brain.
DHA is beneficial for eyes and brain of all
DHA is the long chain Omega-3 fatty acid is essential
nutrients now established to enhance life quality and lower the risk of
premature death. DHA is orthomolecular whose functional sites are exclusively
cell membrane wherein they are structurally and functionally integrated via
phospholipids molecules. DHA is one of the members of omega-3 (PUFA).
DHA is a fatty acid with 22 carbon atoms and 6 cis
double bonds (all-cis-4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19-docosahexaenoic
acid). DHA is found in high proportions in membrane Glycerophospholipids in
the brain, retina, and sperm of humans
and animals. DHA is also found in high concentrations in many species of marine
algae. DHA can be made in mammals from alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is an
essential fatty acid, however there is some dispute about how effective this
process is in humans
Asylum Ayurveda Private Limited Have developed indigenous technology
following extensive research and development efforts
to create “unique Products” The DHA and EPA are in the original acid
forms and are not attached with any Alcohol or glycerol molecule,
they have an added advantage of better absorbency in the human body.”
The level of absorption for both compounds is over 94%,
compared to 68% absorption of triglyceride forms
and 21%for ester forms. “We are able to purify both the materials
above 90%… no body can offer this purity in powder form. The powdered form
ensures DHA is a “free flowing and directly compressible material” and also
“very stable at room temperature” who added that it gives manufacturers
complete Flexibility to use as an ingredient across the nutraceutical, food and
pharmaceutical industries.
DHA have the
following Benfits:--
- DHA मस्तिष्क व आखों के लिए बहुत
गुणकारी हैं|
- यह बच्चों के दिमाग व दिल का ख्याल
रखता हैं एवं उन अंगो को ताकत प्रदान करता हैं|
- बच्चों के मस्तिष्क का विकास
गर्भवस्था (First 3rd Month) से 7 वर्ष तक हो जाता हैं अतः DHA
को गर्भवस्था में (First 3rd
Month) के बाद नियमित रूप से लिया चाहिए|
- DHA Capsule 97%Bioavailable है जो शरीर में पूरी तरह उपयोग में
आता हैं|
Who Can Consume
- गर्भवती महिलाए (First 3rd Month)
- स्तनपान करनेवाली महिलाएँ
- 7 वर्ष के नीचे उम्र के या सभी उम्र के लोग
1-2 capsule in
a day and during pregnancy 1-3 capsule in a day or as directed by health care
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