Beauty Plus Gold Capsules

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Beauty plus gold capsule is works as Female tonic for health and beauty. Beauty plus gold Helps in overcoming fatigue, backache and general weakness. And helps in providing relief from Gynecological disorders like Leucorrhea, Hemorrhage, Discharge, Irregular Menstruation. And Beauty Plus Gold helps as a uterine tonic, balance hormone and complication after menopause.


Beauty plus gold capsule is works as Female tonic that supports the needs of women for restoring normal hormonal function as well as providing relief from various gynecological related issues. Further, as these are purely herbal formulation, the BPG also fulfill the demands of purification of blood. Now a days female are suffering so many health issues which will started form uterine problems we are offering you that we have a solution for all kind of health issues which will arising in the early age of teen and after menopause.

It has been created keeping on consideration the hormonal changes at various stages of a woman’s life. The main hormones that effect are progesterone and estrogen. Beauty Plus Gold keeps both the hormones in perfect balance removing physical and mental obstacles that effect a woman’s life, so that she feels forever young

We are having the unique formulation where we balanced hormonal disturbance and balance the female health. Female generally suffering from hormonal imbalance where two main hormone is in female secreted time to time when needed 1. Progesterone, 2. Estrogen. These two hormone is very responsible for female endocrine hormone secretion. We have solution in the form of herbal Beauty plus Gold. Saraca ashoka – The uterine tonic. It effectively mitigates menorrhagia, leucorrhea, It is an excellent remedy for irregularities of menstrual cycle. Women who have tendency towards abortions and miscarriages should be treated. Pippal – It has a cooling and astringent property. It is a astringent in leucorrhoea and promotes granulations.

Beauty Plus Gold have a lots of benefits:-

  • Beauty plus gold capsule helps as a tonic for female health and beauty.
  • Beauty plus gold helps as a uterine tonic.
  • Beauty plus gold helps complication after menopause.
  • Beauty plus gold helps balance hormone.
  • Beauty plus gold Helps in overcoming fatigue, backache and general weakness.
  • Beauty plus gold capsule Supporting demands of improving strength & stamina.
  • Helps in providing relief from Gynecological disorders like Leucorrhea, Hemorrhage, Discharge, Irregular Menstruation.
  • Supports in maintaining body constitution in health conscious women

1-2 capsule per day with luke warm water or milk or directed by your health care professional.

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